Ciclopuerto 009

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Ciclopuerto 009
A city that encourages alternative mobility demonstrates this in the quality of its public infrastructure. This bike rack is an example, not just thanks to its function and durability, but also its manufacturing quality, its hidden anchoring, stylized shape, and vulcanized rubber to protect bikes from being scratched. BKT street furniture was founded by urban cyclists. For this reason, the CP-009 is a piece we designed especially for users like ourselves.
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Color Aluminio natural o Negro
Tipo Capacidad 2 bicis o Desmontable
Acabados Aluminio natural
Medidas 90 cm x 30 cm x 12 cm
Fabricación Fundición de aluminio y vulcanizado de hule
Autor Diseño industrial No. 52583 En cumplimiento a lo dispuesto por el artículo 409 de la Ley Federal de Protección a la Propiedad Industrial se manifiesta y se hace del conocimiento público que el producto y diseños que a continuación se reproducen se encuentran protegidos ante el Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial con el número de registro 52583 MODELO INDUSTRIAL DE ESTACIONAMIENTO PARA BICICLETAS, cuyo titular es RODRIGO VÁZQUEZ ORTEGA; derechos que se encuentran vigentes y surtiendo todos sus efectos legales.
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In line with global sustainability efforts, the year 2020 at BKT street furniture marked the beginning of a commitment to sustainability, integrating this component into our vision as an integral element of our practice. We aim to comprehend the impacts our products have throughout their life cycle and understand how our organization influences or is influenced by sustainable development expectations.

Check our Report

In 2019, BKT street furniture measured its environmental impact using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards from WRI and WBCSD, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability.